韩国电影夫妻,日韩国品一二三产品区别,1819岁MACBOOK日本,韩国电影 表妹,妈妈的朋友韩国


New materials

With the rapid development of science and technology, the importance of materials has become increasingly prominent. Breakthroughs in 5G communications, new energy transportation, semiconductors, aerospace vehicles and other fields are inseparable from innovation in materials. NHU’s material sector covers polyphenylene sulfide, high-temperature nylon and long glass fiber reinforced composite materials. It serves as an active promoter to drive the development of lightweight automobiles, mini-electronic equipment, and smart and green home. As a material supplier, we stick to the philosophy of being forward-looking and proactive, providing solutions to fulfill people's pursuit of a comfortable and beautiful life and achieve a more efficient and convenient living condition with lower carbon emission.



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PPS fiber


Tel:+86 575 82721036

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